Saturday, May 28, 2011

God is Right on Time

My friend Maggie has a saying that I love in times of worry or stress.  She says, “You don’t have to worry, amiga, God is always on time!”  So true – He designed this moment, this day, and He designed this girl to be here for such a time as this.  He’s already got it covered! The need, the dream, whatever the request, He’s got it covered.
God speaks to me in what I call “Abrahamic” language, as he speaks clearly to me through the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac.  For a few years now, he’s been intentionally leading this family (well, we’ve actually been listening eagerly in the last few years!), and He’s never let us go.  He led us here to Texas and the incredible, precious people He wanted in our lives, and wanted us to touch.  He led us to this land of “milk and honey,” this “Holy Land,” as Pastor Lee lovingly calls it – for a time of refreshing, relationship-building, lifting of our spirits, and increasing our faith. 
Now, he’s calling us back out.  Back to the desert, back to those who are hungry and dry, back to what he has told us is our “mission field.”  When He spoke to me in 2008 about Abraham leaving the land of his fathers to go to the place He would show him, I had no idea He was bringing us here to this oasis!  Here, where we have healed as a family, our hearts knitting together in new and powerful ways.  Here, where we have learned to give, truly give of our resources.  Here, where we have had the eyes of our spirit opened and eyes of our flesh closed tighter than ever before in our lives.
Then, late last year, when He spoke to me “Can you leave your ‘Lot’ (Abraham’s nephew) behind, Bess?”  I knew He was getting us ready to go, but I had NO IDEA that it was there!  He was asking me if I could give up the good land, and keep trudging on towards the dry, desert land in search of His promise.     
Early this year, He continued to gently and lovingly layer us, preparing us for this.  He spoke through a precious Pastor of a church here in Katy during our “Great Church Adventure.”  The word was about Abraham being asked by God to sacrifice his promise, Isaac.  I wept, as the Holy Spirit convicted me deeply, and softened my heart at the same time.  My life is not my own, it is not my own.
Abraham had finally received this promise, after hanging in there during a long, trying, life of pursuing the promise of the promise!  Now, after all the struggle to keep the faith, the long days and sad losses, God was asking him to kill this dream – to take the life of his only son.  God must’ve watched in sadness as His faithful one, Abraham, trudged dejectedly towards the place of sacrifice.  He waited on Abraham as the fire was prepared, Isaac was bound, and ultimately, the knife was raised in the air.  The obedience was thorough, the sacrifice voluntary, the act completed in Abraham’s heart.  That is when God stepped in and spared him his son, and his dream.  God was right on time.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Eyes of the World

My distaste for technology and it's contribution to society's increasing lack of discretion may be due to the fact that I grew up in the country, with no access to the outside world through telephone, internet, or television.  My kids are aghast as I tell them the story of Mommy’s techie-less childhood, pity filling their eyes as I speak of a life isolated.  Even as I try to reassure them that I liked it that way, they shake their heads in disbelief, appalled that their grandparents would submit my siblings and I to a life without the windows of the world looking in.
                That’s correct, you heard me right – no TV, no WII, no DVD player, no Blueray thingamajig.  No internet access, no cell phones – heck, no phone at all!  We lived in the “boondocks” as Dad lovingly called them - dry, harsh desert lands just north of the Mexico/Arizona border.  Eight siblings, we were eachother’s best frenemies.  We were fierce kids, smart kids, and always healthy kids.  The outdoors was our playground, and living in the country, there was plenty enough for everyone!  We ran, built forts, kept pets, caught lizards, and rode our bikes everywhere. 
Then one year, our innocence was interrupted, and we became the new owners of a much-loved Nintendo game console.  It came into our lives when I was about thirteen, and from that point on, we suffered from “Mario addiction.”  I can still whistle the theme music…doo doo doo, doo doo do doood!  After a couple of weeks, though, the novelty of it wore off, and we were soon back outside – running and romping and creating.
That was my only brush with technology and its power as a child – and I sometimes envy those innocent days of ignorant bliss.  Fast forward to today – I run a full-fledged internet business, happily most days, frustratingly on others.  I continue to believe in the usefulness of Facebook, Twitter and texting for communication purposes and business networking – though NONE of those programs are my friend.  I am unceasingly surprised at the openness of folks on the internet, and especially appalled at what comes out of the mouths, err, keyboards – of “Christians” across the net, especially on Facebook!  Call me old-fashioned, and you bet your bippie, you’d be right.  Call me a prude – right again!  Chalk it all up to growing up in a home where our mother’s jaw would drop if one of us said “deodorant” in “mixed” company!
I guess my point to all this jibber jabber is that I wonder where the personal discretion has gone.  Yes, I get it – technology is here to stay, it’s a good thing for business and growth, yada yada.  I am finally getting pretty excited about that opportunity, too.  My question is just this – with the eyes of the world upon us Christians in a more highly exposed way than ever before, what are we going to do with this opportunity?
I’m not by any means suggesting we put a Scripture on every Facebook post, or use Twitter to put 140 character mini-sermons into cyberspace!  I am merely questioning the usage of what is before us as a tool to reach dozens, no hundreds – actually, thousands for Christ!  Not just in a “Holy” way, but in tangible ways, too.  What about just being a positive encourager on the web?  Maybe just keeping some “moods” and anger issues at “you know who’s” at bay, or even privately deal with them before God rather than on the world-wide web!  I don’t know, I’m “just sayin!” 
I guess I have to realize that my kids are growing up in a time very different than my own childhood.  I don’t fear for them though, they serve the same God I did!  I just want them to use what is before them as a tool for Kingdom purposes, rather than a stress buster or mood release for themselves.  I just want them to realize that there are consequences for everything we do, including for what we know to do, and then choose not to do!  I guess I just want them to remember, online and off, that the eyes of the world are upon them. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Call to Die - Am I Ready?

The meaning of the principle of “bearing fruit” in my life is taking on a deeper understanding than ever before.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, I understand it, but I don’t want to give in to it!  I don’t like giving ME up for anyone, but that is what He’s calling me to.  He’s asking me to die.  To myself – and what that means, then, is that I have to live for others.  Not for myself anymore – not for what pleases me or how I feel about it – whether “it” is the situation, the comment, the hurt, or the past abuse.  Ohhh, how my inner rebellious core battles with this one!  I’m fighting it, tooth and nail!
                I know this principle, I know the logistics around it.  I know the Scriptures touting it, and the things Christ had to say about it.  I know the ancient truth about it, and I can even see the results of living obedient to it, visible in other lives, lives around me… heck, I’ve even preached it and taught it!  But I just don’t know how to DIE yet.  Not fully. 
                How do we really bear fruit in life?  Take nature as a symbolic illustration – Christ always did!  I have a vibrant patch of strawberries on our garden, and they just bore the “first fruits” of the season yesterday – yummy!  However, for the green parts to come back in the spring, for the petite white flowers to bud and bloom, for the fruit to form under the bloom, then sprout into fruit “buds”, then – mmmmm the juiciness of it all!  The rich, ripe, juicy, red strawberries that resulted!  For all this to happen…well, winter came.  It wiped away the “old” and the plant DIED.  Now, it didn’t die fully - not completely.   It just died enough to kill off the useless parts - the parts that were dragging down the rest of the plant.
Symbolic, huh?!  Trees are like that too, and grass – that’s how He made it.  Where the life, the individuality of that being doesn’t die, the dreams don’t die, (He gave them to us, He’s not a dream killer!)   No, death is only for the old and useless part, the part that is dragging us down.  Once this death happens, rebirth comes!  For some areas, it’s a longer process than for others, but it always comes.
I’m so glad He’s showing me this – it makes it a little easier to listen to the call to die.     

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Living with Intention - A Call From God

This post is for the precious few people who read my blog and faithfully support me!  I am writing today to let you know what Juan and I have been working on for a while now, and are ready to launch into cyberspace soon!  It is a new interactive website with opportunity to grow and involve more resources and individuals as time goes on.

It has been impressed on our spirits recently, more and more to "get ready."  Ready, not just for Christ's return, but He has been teaching us how to ready ourselves for our life here on this beautiful earth he has given us.  To learn how to pursue His best for us; in body, soul and Spirit.  He has been talking to us through His Word on letting go of our "stuff," downsizing our previous priorities, and tightening our belts in our finances and food!

We are on an exciting journey of training - for His call on our lives as a family.  I used to think only of MY call from Him, like it was just something special for me, and the kids would figure theirs out when they graduated high school!  Juan and I have had some major revelations recently, as we're realizing that our children ARE our calling, that this life in this place right now IS our calling, and that what He has us doing today is as vitally important to our journey as anything else.  Even when that is eating healthier, spending less, clearing clutter, learning how to give... REALLY give, and exercising more!  I'm learning to give up my time, my efforts, my creativity for Him - it's all His, anyway - I didn't give these gifts to myself!

So we invite you to join us on this journey.  Join us as we get ready for more with Him.  As we ready ourselves in strength and health, clear minds and spirits, clean homes and hearts - an all around lifestyle change for Him!  We're calling it The Intentional Lifestyle.  A fresh take on the classic instructions of His Word for how to live our lives; with purpose and passion and walking in His love towards others.  There is so much He has for us, we just have to step up and receive it - in faith. 

Please visit our new website, sign up for our newsletter, browse our articles and ideas.  There will be new material posted almost every day, as the ideas flow and the inspiration hits!  Are you ready to fulfill His great calling for your life?  Do you want to change anything about your lifestyle?  Then join us at and walk the road with us!  There is so much to come, and we cheer you on in faith as you strive to live with more intention!

We love you all, and thank each of you for your support over the years - you are truly a blessing to us!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Disenchanted.  Disconnected.  Disappointed.  All familiar, all oppressive.  None of these feelings are from God, but I feel them.  I am frustrated, sad beyond belief.  Why do we hurt each other?  Why do we let each other down?  Because we’re “just human?”  Because not one of us is perfect, has it all together, or, oh, here’s the best one I’ve heard yet – because we’re “not God?!”
                So I am scrubbing my house today, cleaning, purging, freshening – getting the smell and filth out.  Getting out all the dirt, the things that crowd, and the overwhelming sense that I don’t have control over my surroundings.  Here I go again, this is my life today. 
                   I know who I am in Christ, but who am I to my long-lost family?  Just a faint memory?  A reality that is fuzzy now with the passing years and enveloping time?  Do they remember how I cared for them?  How I gave of myself, my heart, my emotions to love them the best I could?  It feels so empty not to have a mother, a father.  Someone to encourage me in my life as I know it now.  Someone to chew me out when I need it, to shower me with affection, approval, affirmation.  Empty.  The house is so empty as I clean.
                I am not ungrateful for my blessings.  I am not unaware of who God has given me to nourish me, love me, accept me, edify me.  They ARE my mothers, my fathers, brothers and sisters.  I cling to them in soul, I feed off their joy.  I need the body of Christ!
                As the years continue to pass so quickly, as time grows still, I will grow too.  The sun doesn’t always shine, but it’s always there, behind the storm clouds!  I will continue to surrender to You, God.  To your way, your will, your desires for me.  You do rule and reign in my life, and my fruit is sweet.  Peace, once again, peace comes over me as I clean.  The emptiness is swallowed up in your peace and joy and everlasting love.  Full.  The house is full as I clean.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In-Between or In-Adventure?

Being in between has always been a challenge for me. I am realizing, though, that really living life is about staying emotionally “in-between.” What has always been a difficulty in my past can now become license to a new, adventurous life. If I truly trust God with the ultimate direction for my life, then I can be constantly ready for instructions on what that direction is! Well, saying that and living it really are two different things. I am working on bringing the gap between my words and my actions closer together, to more of a crack than gaping hole!

So as I cope with the ever changing spiritual atmosphere around me, and the rapidly increasing cycling of seasons in my life, I learn to embrace change. To embrace the “in-between-ness” of life as it is right now. Not knowing where I’m going, when I’m leaving, and who I’ll have to kiss goodbye again. I can deal with this – He says I can. I can do better than cope – He says I’m MORE than a conqueror! It is a relief, too, knowing that wherever I go and whatever I do next in this privileged life, that I’m not alone. I’ve got my rich Daddy AND my best friend by my side!

As I sit here at McDonald’s killing time, and back in my warm house, there are perfect strangers tramping through it, deciding whether or not they like the staircase by the back door, I am grateful. Grateful for the seasons God has allowed in my life that continue to change and morph and mold me. Grateful that He is faithful – His timing, His plans, His provision – He is always faithful. Grateful that I get to walk with Him, not only the rest of my life here, but beyond. Yes, I can do all He asks of me - He strengthens me!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Humbled. Again.

I’ve been humbled. Again. Apparently, this journey of dying to my flesh and living only for Christ is on-going and never-ending! This time, it has to do with hearts. People’s hearts; empty, shallow, missing some huge part of themselves. These people are the outcast, the forgotten. They are kept by the force of the enemy in their desperate lives, consuming substances to fill their driving need for something more. They are sad-eyed, loveless and alone. I am talking about the women and men of the “ghettos” in our towns, cities, countries. The precious children of God who haven’t chosen yet to embrace His massive outpouring of love and provision for them. They can’t see Him with their flesh eyes, and they haven’t opened their heart eyes yet.

Oh, God, give me more compassion for these, your creation. They are just as precious to you as I. They may be lost right now, but you have stored up salvation and freedom for them just as I have been so graciously given. God, make me softer in you.

As I watched the beloved couple who run this ministry to the forgotten tenderly embrace, lay hands on, and laugh with these, I was overwhelmed by the visibility of Christ’s love in them. I could see it, the people in need could feel it, and those precious pastors didn’t even stop to analyze it. They just kept praying, kept giving, kept loving.

So I am severely wrecked, once again, by God’s mercy and grace. By His unstoppable forgiveness and compassion. By His preciousness, His glorious love so easily and freely demonstrated yesterday in those lives. Oh, may this overwhelming new understanding never grow dry in me. I no longer desire the comfortable way, I want to continue down this road of the unknown in Him.

He’s getting me ready, I know it. He’s preparing me for a lifetime ministry of His love to His people. Whether those people are the rich or the poor, the remembered or the forgotten, the old or the young. They are all His, created in His image, needing His hand of love in a tangible way.

This is just the beginning, and I’m already a mess. Humbled. May I stay in this place as He grows me.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"Takeaway 2010" - Lessons Learned, Memories Made and New Dreams Cast

In all of the excitement of the New Year and all the looking ahead we do, I wonder if we sometimes forget to look back. Not for long, I mean, but just a glimpse, almost like a life review. I’ve done that this year; maybe because it was such a good, full year in 2010, and I don’t want to close the proverbial door on it until I’ve grasped every bit of what I was supposed to take away from it.

I’ve realized recently (like earlier today!) that I had a meaningful and enriching year of life in 2010. My family and I experienced many things here in Texas we never expected we would when we were still living life back in the desert southwest. Like playing at the ocean, not just once, but over and over! We mowed a lawn all year long! The kids have seen alligators, cottonmouths, and the world’s largest water park. Oh, and the friendships we’ve developed here in Katy are really unbelievable to me. In the one year we’ve been in fellowship with some believers here, we’ve bonded in ways I’ve never experienced in the body of Christ. You know, friends who are like comfy slippers – they fit perfectly, and they don’t mind being stepped on every once in a while!

Not that those things are what life is all about, but it really helps to live life surrounded by warmth. Good days are bathed in sunshine, love from family and friends, and really good cookin’!

So, one of the lessons I learned was to stretch a little more in life, even if where I’m at feels comfortable. It never hurts to try something new, go somewhere I’ve never been, or make a new friend in a person I’d have never thought could feel like a sister! In the career area, I learned that I don’t make a good working-outside-the-home mom and it’s ok. I make a really great work-at-home-mom, and the kids and hubby are so glad I figured that out! I also decided I am a well-rounded person, but don’t like being a “round” person, and I am pursuing health in a new way in 2011!

So as I walk through the doorway from 2010 and step over the threshold of 2011 into newness, I carry the treasures of my memories and lessons learned with me. They will be cherished, revisited, and inevitably recycled into new ones! I have nothing but the best expectations for this brand new year in front of me. I’ll do some things right, and probably lots of things wrong, but the dreams that I’ve dreamed for 2011 will be pursued, and I am, and will be, blessed!

What about you - what are your feelings on beginning 2011? Are you excited about something new in your life this year? Tell me about it, I’d love to share in your enthusiasm!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Confession for 2011

What follows is my personal confession for 2011, as I am excited about increase in my life!  Increase in the depth and hunger in my relationship with Jesus, and through my pursuit of Him, increase in finances, wisdom, health, and knowledge of all things godly!  I pray that your 2011 is richly blessed, that you seek Him more, and that you are touched in a new, supernatural way by His love this year!

Jeremiah 29:11-14a ESV

“For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes…”


Father, your love overwhelms me. It is awesome to know that you are always thinking of me. You see past my shortcomings. You choose to see the end from the beginning. Your intention for my life is to prosper me and not to harm me. You give me hope and a wonderful future. The things I presently endure are nothing compared to the glory that awaits me.

Declaration of Faith

All of God’s thoughts for me are for good and never evil. His plan for my life is to make me prosperous, give me hope, and provide for me a glorious future. He has handpicked everything that is best for me in life and presents it to me with great joy. His desire for me is to live in His abundance.

Other Scriptures to reference:

Deuteronomy 4:29; Colossians 1:13; 2:15; Romans 8:32; Psalm 50:15; I John 1:3

Used excerpt from the Complete Personalized Promise Bible on Financial Increase - compiled by James Riddle