There’s a lot out there in the Christian realm on “submission,” and exactly what Paul the Apostle was talking about when he wrote his Holy Spirit-inspired version of submission. I personally have always had a tendency to shy away from any teaching on submission, as in my past it has always involved some form of “sexist control” from whomever the teaching came. It seemed to me that a majority of Christians in my life were using the common passage of Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as fitting to the Lord,” for their own agendas of controlling strong women, and their “worldly desires.” However, I love the Word of God, for not only does it always confirm itself on every subject, but it explains in fullness why a certain principle will work!
There are many, many passages Bible wide on submission, and I have yet to find one where the encouragement to submit is directed only at women. Every time submission is taught, it is pointed to all people; men, women, children, slaves, etc. There is a Holy order in place for all mankind that is designed to bring forth peace and harmony in relationships. In my study on submission (which I was challenged to by a well-respected leader in my church a few weeks ago) I found that submission is not a command, but rather suggests a voluntary relinquishment of one’s rights to another. In The Woman’s Study Bible (NKJV), it states; “the Greek word for ‘to submit’ is hupotasso, which literally means ‘to line up under.’ The concept suggests mutual submission and intimacy, promoting a union ordained by God with love as the binding agent. Love characterizes the servant leadership of the husband, which in turn awakens the submissive cooperation of the wife. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit can a woman truly relinquish her desires and line up under her husband’s leadership.” This I found so much more believable and doable!
I have been very blessed with a husband who does love me deeply and draws my desire to submit from me. Frankly, I feel safe and calm when I do “line up under” him. We weren’t always at this point, trust me, but after thirteen years and many experiences, we have a grasp of a handle on this submission thing. Do I feel that he is always in submission to what the Lord is calling him to? No, of course not! Just as I am not day in, day out constantly at rest with God or Juan’s desire for me or my walk! We are, however, listening and responding. To God. To each other. We might not always like what we hear, but we’re listening, and learning. I truly feel that is the key to achieving true submission. Listening. Our response then, after hearing, needs to be obedience to what is Biblical.
I Peter 3:1-7 covers the subject pertaining to marriage in great detail, “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands,…do not let your adornment be merely outward…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. ..Husbands, likewise, dwell with them [wives] with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” NKJV (Emphasis added by author.)
I did some passionate word study on this passage of Scripture, and I was excited as to what I found. First of all, when this Scripture talks to women, we are to be submitted to our husbands out of obedience, even when we don’t agree with them, as in the case of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 20:1-18. (I’ll get more into this story on my next posting.) However, when it comes to men, they are to be in submission to the Lord the way we are to be in submission to them, and our children to us… It was designed by God as a safekeeping method for us as a people. Christ modeled this principle by walking in constant submission to His Heavenly Father (Hebrews 10:7). For Him, it certainly could not have been easy.
Some of the study notes on this subject in The Women’s Study Bible explain that submission by definition is “an attitude of the will,” it is also “more than obedience,” another is “resting, leaning, trusting, and abandoning yourself to the Lord.” Last but not least, it is “void of stubbornness.” Biblical examples of these definitions would be Mary, mother of Jesus (Luke 1:38), Esther (Esther 4:16) and Sarah, as mentioned before.
In the reference Scripture above (I Peter 3:1-7), it refers to true submission being completely attractive in a woman, more even than her physical appearance or adornment. She is gracious, quiet, gentle… That reference also speaks of the husbands living with their wives in understanding, which in Greek means “according to knowledge.” This speaks of a considerate attitude in the husband for the wife, and knowledge of God’s plan for marriage as well as an understanding of their own respective wife’s desires, needs and feelings. “Honor” in this passage literally means “precious” and obviously alludes to respecting and esteeming the wife. Treating her as precious!
This study could go on and on, far too deep for just one post. I treasure the principle of submission to my God and my husband now, after battling with this teaching for years. Being submitted is being in a safety net, and the more we seek the Lord’s will for our lives, we fall more into his strong arms of love, and surrender our own way! That’s true freedom.