Friday, February 12, 2010

A Little About My Journey

Did you know that what you confess you possess? I didn’t! For the longest time in my early walk with Jesus, I had no idea of the power of God that was available to me. What I didn’t know was that I was confessing something over my life! Yes, I was confessing defeat, failure, sickness and disease, poverty, emptiness, and more over my life. And this was me, saved, Holy Spirit filled, and walking and talking with the Lord!!! A Christian since five years old! What I was speaking and accepting into my soul and life, however, was devastating! I didn’t realize that instead of feeding myself from God’s Word, and hearing from God’s anointed, I was feeding myself from the world, everything that is opposite of His Word. I just had no idea of what I was missing out on. That is, until a crisis like I had never experienced before happened in my life, and I suddenly lost everything I held dear, everything that mattered to me. I was alone, bankrupt, sick, and ultimately, homeless!!!
How had all this happened? How had I gone from a “Christian life” of many years with a loving husband and children, many “friends,” plenty of anything I needed, and a warm, beautiful home; to a sinner’s life of being empty, broke and alone? I cried out to God desperately, I opened His Word, long abandoned and unused, and searched for an answer. And I found an answer! I hungrily devoured more and more of His Word as He ministered to my hurting soul. I found answer after answer for the devastation in my life, as He led me on a journey of what I now affectionately call “my Holy Spirit therapy!”
So God, in His incredible mercy and grace, picked me up, turned me around, and set my feet on solid ground!!! He is the Lover of my Soul, and due to His awesome forgiveness, He has a plan for my future! As excited as I was, and still am, about this truth, I had to stop and think about how this “prodigal daughter” had gotten into the pig pen to begin with. As God began to lead me out of the pen and on my journey home to Papa, I analyzed my former path. I knew that I absolutely never wanted to end up there again! What then, was required of me to make sure that no matter where I went now, I couldn’t, just couldn’t, go there without my Father?!
I would love to share more of this journey with you, and what our God has seen fit to show me from His Word, and the through the mouths of warriors that He has anointed to teach His Word! Why don’t you pour yourself a cup of coffee, and sit down with me as we delve into this idea of “confessions” from His Word? This may not be the first time you have heard about confessions. I, however, credit my life as it is now to the knowledge of the power of confessions from His Word.
God saw fit to restore my family to me, heal my diseases, restore my bank account to much, much greater that it was before, give me awesome mentors and friends, and much more! He is a great God, with so much love for us! He can, and will, do anything you need Him to do in your life as well. What you confess over your life, you will possess. Negative or positive, faith or fear, a life of sin or eternal life with Him. I look forward to our next discussion as we dig deeper into this powerful principle!
In Him,