Friday, December 17, 2010

Mentality - Abundance or Lack?

Around this time of year my compassion radar kicks into high gear, and I begin brainstorming how I can help those less fortunate than myself. I don’t know what it is about the holidays that stirs my heart in a new way toward the needy. Maybe it is due to all the pleas in the public arena during the holidays to help them with funds or goods. Maybe it is because I am blessed with so much in my life now, and I know what it is like to live without it. Today, I live with my young family in a gorgeous two-story house in a middle-class suburb of Houston, Texas, complete with a pool and splashpad, park and playground, and gym. We don’t worry about where our next meal is coming from or if the light bill will get paid this month…wow, just realizing this is sometimes still so surreal. You see, it wasn’t always this way.

I grew up very poor; not hungry mind you, not cold, but we were barely getting by. It wasn’t that Dad didn’t work; in fact, he worked harder than anyone I’ve ever known. He worked from early morning to sometimes 9 or 10 o’clock at night. Many times he only had one or two meals a day, skipping breaks to keep working. Yes, he definitely sacrificed for us eight kids and Mom and what future he could provide us with.

Dad embraced what I now recognize as a “poverty mentality,” and to this day, he still works too hard. After he invests so much physical labor, and painstaking design and planning, the result is very little reward or pay. I’m exhausted just thinking about how much he does. Now, please understand that I am all for hard work, and having a good work ethic – in fact, I credit my great work ethic to my parents. I’m just talking about a spiritual principle at stake here – the choice between minimalistic mentality versus abundance mentality.

At the young age of eighteen, I married my best friend and worked two jobs alongside his two to three jobs just to keep bills paid. We were young, just starting out, and the lessons we learned from earning our own way with no parental help was invaluable. But it was still hard. I waitressed and worked retail, and he baked bread, flipped pizza dough, and finished his Master’s degree right after our first child was born. However, I had brought the mentality of lack with me into the marriage, not knowing anything different. Now, I thank God I married a man who had vision for himself, his family, and our future!

Even as young Christians, we began grasping a new vision for ourselves; for me, it was through both my husband and the church I was eagerly attending and serving in. Little by little, we began to raise the standard our jobs, houses, and even the people who were influencing our lives. Plugging along, we were never afraid to work for our goals. Juan breathed inspiration into me as he graduated with his Master’s degree at just 25, and then as he began confidently and faithfully looking for a job that would pay him what he was worth.

Over the years, each job has been better than the last, and each home has grown in quality, but been financially manageable. I have marveled at the wisdom and abundance mentality that Juan operates in as he makes these decisions for this family. No matter what our “imprints” from our pasts try to dictate to us about what our lives should be like, they can be overcome by the grace of God, and knowledge of His Word in the area of finances.

Am I saying that to live in God’s will for us financially, we need to buy bigger and better houses, and be on a warpath to better pay grades? No, I am merely stating that although “abundance” is defined differently by each individual, I can tell you that poverty is the opposite of it. True “need” is not His will for any of His children, and He cannot be glorified in the middle of want. Bold statement? I hope so! It is clearly explained in His Word, and He didn’t rescue me from my own mentality of lack just to keep this truth to myself! The provision He is now entrusting this family with is for far greater purposes than my own!

The promises of prosperity found in His Word, keep in mind, have a part for us to play, as you’ll notice in the second verse below. Here are just a couple of the Scriptures stating His will for our lives in this area:

Deuteronomy 30:9 (AMP)

“And the Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous in every work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, of your cattle, of your land, for good; for the Lord will again delight in prospering you, as He took delight in your fathers…”

Joshua 1:8 (AMP)

“This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.”

So, what can I do this year for the less fortunate? What can I give to them that will last after the Christmas meal is eaten and gone, and their kids have outgrown the outfits we donated? I can obey Christ’s commands to:

Deuteronomy 4:9-10 (AMP)

“Only take heed, and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes have seen and lest they depart from your [mind and] heart all the days of your life. Teach them to your children and your children's children. Especially how on the day that you stood before the Lord your God in Horeb, the Lord said to me, Gather the people together to Me and I will make them hear My words, that they may learn [reverently] to fear Me all the days they live upon the earth and that they may teach their children.”

The physical gifts I give now to precious people in need are appreciated and necessary, but I hope to do more with my life than that. I want to see generational curses of poverty and want broken, knowledge of God’s will for prosperity spread to all people, and a deep understanding of abundance and all that it means to us as God’s children replace the mentalities of our past. After all:

John 10:10 (AMP)

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bella's Letter to God

December 15, 2010

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for everything you have done in my life. You died on the cross and forgave all my sins. I hope you rise me up to HEAVEN and keep me there forever. I will use my gifts you gave me, and use them every minute of every day, and even use them like you want me to! Thank you for helping me with any (school) test I struggle on and for talking to me today. Thank you for sending an angel to me for protection. Lord, thank you for making me a Child of God, and I love you for Who you are!



My nine-year-old daughter wrote this letter after having a very real "experience" with God the night before.  She cried out to Him in her need, and He answered her!  Then, yesterday, as she was taking a dreaded and feared test at school, she cried out to Him again, and she said He sent an angel to talk to her.  I said, "You sure it wasn't God talking to you, baby?"
"No, Mom, it was a girl's voice!"
Praise God that He meets everyone where they are at, nine or ninety!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5 Basic Principles to Effectively Apply Word Promises to Your Life

Here is an article I recently published on Let me know what you think - is it helpful? I would love feedback, positive or constructive criticism, as I am currently writing and publishing more articles on similar subjects.

In my own discovery of life promises found throughout the Bible, I’ve realized that many believers are not aware of the power that lies within having belief in those promises. Some have the book knowledge of what the Bible has to say about prosperity, healing, gifts, and marriages, but are unable to grasp the reality of applying these promises to their daily lives. It takes more than knowing a Biblical passage to see manifestation of God’s goodness at work in our lives. It takes a spiritual understanding of what the Holy Spirit is saying through that passage, and obedience to His Word.
When a deep understanding takes place of what is being promised to us by our Father, and the necessary steps to receive these blessings are applied, change happens. Our families are healed, marriages unified, finances redeemed, and anything else you ask in His Name, fulfilled!
Here are five basic principles lined out in the twelfth chapter of Romans:
1. Present Your Body a Living Sacrifice. Romans 12:1 NASB “Therefore I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”
This principle is very clear - we must die to our old nature, old desires, old plans. Our flesh never stops trying to maintain the same way of living as before we met our Savior, but that doesn’t mean we give in to it! The first and key step to His blessings is complete and utter surrender to our Father and His will. This step is really about making the decision to serve Him alone, and to no longer serve ourselves.
2. Commit to the Renewal of your Mind. Romans 12:2 NASB “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. “
Obviously, renewing our minds is a Biblical command designed to enable us to do God’s will. This can only be attained, however, by complete submission to our God, and deciding daily to follow His way.
So what is mind renewal? Mind renewal is not a new age statement of some out-of-reach achievement, but rather a gateway to receive God’s blessings on our lives. We have to discontinue our old way of thinking, and to do that, we must go after the things of God. For example, we have to start filtering the input that comes into our minds daily. We must replace the old thoughts and desires with Godly influence, such as the music we listen to, things we read, even the people we allow to influence us.
Have you ever heard the saying, “What goes in must come out!” It is the same for our minds and hearts. We have to learn to guard ourselves, using the Word of God as our strainer. If the influence in question does not “line up” with the Word, it shouldn’t be indulged in!
3. Be in Obedience to His Will. Romans 12:2b-3 NASB “…so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. 3For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.”
God is faithful to not only show us how to seek His will for us, but He also equips us to know what it is! His will for us is found clearly in the Word, and keep in mind it will be “good and acceptable and perfect.” This Scripture also reminds us that “God has allotted to each [of us] a measure of faith.” In other words, He is not judging us by “how much” faith we have, but rather whether or not we have faith! He desires our whole hearts to be committed to His will for our lives. If we choose to be in obedience to that, we will see the promises of His Word come to life.
4. Join with the Body. Romans 12:4-5 NASB “For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
We influence each other whether we want to admit it or not. As we touch those around us, we should be determined to be instruments of God’s love and ministry. We are the only Jesus some people will ever know. Just as our physical body parts all work together for the common goal of growing, sustaining, and sometimes healing the body, we must decide to act the same in the “Body” of Christ. I have heard some state that it is not necessary to be a part of a church to grow in the Lord. I beg to differ, first because it is taught strongly in Scripture, and second, because I have personally experienced both scenarios. I have lived without the body and I have thrived within the body. How do you not know that you are the skin for that body of believers? Picture a human body with the heart beating, and blood circulating, and blood and innards are squirting everywhere, because there is no skin to protect that body!
5. Everyone is Given Spiritual Gifts, Which are for the Benefit of Everyone. Romans 12:6-8 NASB “Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”
We’ve all been blessed with gifts, as different as they are, each one is equally important. As a culture, sometimes we tend to recognize those roles that are more celebrated and public as more important to the body than those who are behind the scenes, even though all roles are equally important to the Father. Each of us have many gifts, and what matters to the Father is that we glorify Him in the use of those gifts. When we do, we fulfill the needs of the body! If we are not in obedience in using our gifts within the body, we should examine our hearts, God has a great purpose for us in serving!
The instructions given to us in the Word are not mysterious or difficult to follow. They are clear, frank and created for our benefit. God has promised us health, fullness of joy, and rich lives filled with every good thing. To enable us to live this life, He asks for our surrender – to Him, His will, and His plan for our life. The question is, are you ready to take Him at His Word?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When God Plans Strategically - Part One

Back in the Spring of 2008, I had all but given up on myself and the confusing mess I had made out of my life when God brought a dynamic woman of faith across my path, Miss Sue*. Sue was a beautiful, bold, middle-aged Italian woman who had a passion for life and living. Her joy in life was contagious and I remember this strange and wonderful awakening in my spirit that took place when I was around her. She had a way of making me feel valuable, and special. I was very much damaged goods at that time, and desperately needed healing and refreshing inside, I just didn’t know where to look or how to find it.
God, in his incredible wisdom, used this brilliant woman to touch my life in such a way, that I would never be the same. I took to her immediately, and as I questioned her with the "why’s", my circumstances, the pain and suffering I was enduring, she pointed me back to the living Word of God. I listened as she spoke of the truths in the Bible, and as she taught me. Later, on my own, I hungrily began to devour the Holy Scriptures like never before in my life. As they began to literally feed my malnourished soul, my knowledge of His promises and truths grew. I was insatiable for the Word, and then, slowly, my understanding changed.
I found that God wanted me to live free of the pain, suffering, and betrayal. Free of all sin, negative thoughts, and old patterns. I found through the Scriptures HOW to live in freedom, and how to live in the promises currently in my life! His Word, though I had read it and known it since childhood, became alive to me in a time when I knew no life. I was breathing, but I had been dying inside.
Miss Sue began to speak life over me and prophesy over my life, and my future. She called the sickness gone, my pain healed and released, as she prophesied what was to come in my life. I began to thrive under those words of life, and partnered with God’s Word, I began to dream again.

*Name has been changed to respect privacy.

For more of my testimony, see my website

This has been a small sneak peak into the upcoming book I am working on!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Where is God in America?

I don't usually like to borrow other people's views to publish on the this blog, but I felt like this one deserved publication - again. Enjoy!

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession: I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are, Christmas trees.

It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a creche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.
In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina). Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'

In light of recent events..... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.
Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says 'Thou shalt not kill'; 'Thou shalt not steal,' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay. (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide.)

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

Pass it on if you think it has merit. If not, then just discard it . .. no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.

My best regards, honestly and respectfully,
Ben Stein

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nothing Is Impossible With God!

When it seems the odds are against you;

"Nothing is impossible with God." - Luke 1:37

"All glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." - Ephesians 3:20

And as if that wasn't enough to convince us of how big He is:

"God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us." - Hebrews 6:18

Now, no more worrying! He's got it handled - get some much needed rest tonight, friend!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last Friday I attended the Joyce Meyer conference here in Houston, and was blessed beyond belief! Not because Joyce is awesome, (even though she is!) but because of the power of the Holy Spirit! Only the Holy Spirit can bring unity in the body! Let me explain;
Just a couple of Sundays ago, our Pastor at our local church was speaking on the meaning and value of “feet-washing” and how it was a symbol of humility and a servant-heart. At the end of his sermon, there was a corporate foot washing that took place, ushering in a move of the Holy Spirit as people walked in obedience to Jesus’ example.
The following cell (small group) meeting on Thursday at our house was a follow-up to that teaching, and we discussed further on the principle itself, and what is means to be servants in his kingdom. Then we washed feet in our kitchen, and the move of the Spirit was powerful, bringing healing, restoration, and softening hearts for Him. The Lord began to really speak to me about being a true servant, what it would mean for my life as I know it now, and I began to mull over what all this meant.
That following Sunday, Juan and I flew out to Alabama, on a trip where we were seeking the Lord’s direction in our lives, and in the ministry He is calling us to. While we were there, I visited a Christian bookstore, and came across a sculpture of Jesus washing a disciples’ feet. I broke into tears, realizing that the Lord wasn’t going to let this matter fade from my heart or intentions! I bought the sculpture, and it sits in my office as a daily reminder…
So the week we got home was the Friday at Joyce Meyer’s event. Just guess what she spoke about? That’s right, the principle of being a true servant, of washing other’s feet…
She washed feet right up there in front of us thousands, on her knees, teaching the principle as she acted on it. Guess what I did? Yes, I cried!
I love, love, love the teaching of the Lord!

Friday, October 1, 2010

I Love It When God Shows Off!!!

I love how God is never just concerned about one individual when he shows off. Rather, He is always concerned about performing goodness for all His kids! I have been walking out a struggle with back pain, which has been “diagnosed” as a congenital defect in my lower back. Most of my family has suffered with this issue to some degree, and I have struggled before with the fear of “ending up” like two of my brothers, who both have had numerous surgeries and take strong painkillers to deal with the intense pain that they live with.
So this week in particular, as I have been dealing with the MRI news, and referral to a surgeon in Houston to explore pain relief options, I have battled the fear. My own words that I have spoken over many, “I am healed by His stripes, etc.” kept flooding back into my mind all week. The confessions work, the Word works! The pain, however, was still there.
I have the most wonderful testimony of our amazing God and what He did for me last night at our cell meeting!!! We were discussing the importance of transparency in a cell setting, and reading out of James 5:13-16, just as Pastor has been asking us to do. We were trying to answer the question, “If we as a cell could be more transparent, what would that do for visitors, and each other?”
We broke out into groups of two for prayer at the end, and I gathered myself for prayer with my dear friend and sister, Yolanda R. She was having a difficult time preparing to pray, as public prayer has been somewhat of a struggle for her to overcome. She was self-conscious, hesitating to begin, when I told her “Look, Sis, you’ve got to pray for me, I need a touch from the Lord tonight. You have the same Holy Spirit in you, and you can do this!”
She began to pray somewhat timidly, then grew bolder in her desire for the Lord to hear her and touch me with healing. At some point just a few moments into her prayer, I received full healing of the pain in my back. The radiating discomfort into my left thigh ended as abruptly. I couldn’t believe it right away, so I didn’t speak up. Besides, Yolanda was praying so earnestly at this point, and her purity towards the Lord as she interceded for me was so apparent, I didn’t want to interrupt her!
Right after she prayed that I would “do somersaults the next day because I was healed,” I couldn’t take it anymore! I lifted my head, and told her, “Yolie, there’s no more pain!”
She couldn’t believe it either. We were grinning, and I said, “Isn’t it just like God to show off, and not only heal me, but use you!”
She had been too timid initially to even pray out loud, and God showed her! He wanted her to know that He was in her, and working through her! I just love how He does that. I believe that is what He means about transparency in His body, so that one part of the body can step in and help the other part when they have needs. He has something even greater in store for you. Do you need healing? Agree with just one more believer that you are healed, and pray earnestly to Him for manifestation. I give all praise, honor, and glory to our Heavenly Father, Amen.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Finding our Identity in Christ

Job 1:8 (NIV) says, "Then the Lord said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.'"

Our Confession:
My heavenly Father is very proud of me. I am special to Him and he holds me dear to His heart. I am unique among all of His creation. There is none like me in all of the earth.
It pleases Him greatly that I have chosen to trust Him, shun evil, and live blamelessly and upright before Him all the days of my life.

In this modern day world, where we seek to "find ourselves," may we remember that He already knows us, and He created us to be who we are. Through Christ's work at the cross, we are able to live blameless and upright on earth. We just have to choose to accept this truth and walk in it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Those Fickle Emotions!

Our emotions are so fickle. When we allow our emotions to rule our lives, we have entered a trap. When we learn how to rule our emotions, we are no longer trapped by a deceptive enemy, but walking in a freedom that knows no boundaries!
I’ve lived both ways, and I’ll gladly take this life of freedom that I am so blessed to now lead!
I used to listen to my emotions before the truth of the Word, making serious life decisions based on how I “felt.” It was a poisonous mistake, and I paid dearly for that mistake. The truth of God’s Word, when listened to, acted upon, and seen as the ultimate decision maker, will change your life, I guarantee it. God’s Word works EVERY time. Letting our emotions run us, and putting them before God’s Word, WON’T. Let me explain what I mean by this principle.
Several years ago I was struggling with some very personal issues, and one was a fear of submission to my husband. Although we got along, I truly desired a pre-conceived idea of romance between he and I. I constantly asked for “signs” of his love or commitment to me, such as gifts, dates, and words of romance. He, being the strong, and slightly stubborn man that he is, didn’t budge. The point is, that whatever he was doing right in our marriage, like providing well for the kids and I, I held in lesser importance to my “need” for unrealistic attention. My dissatisfaction with him grew, and as my emotions became disgust, I didn’t even realize how deeply my mind had transformed. I had gone from a mostly happy wife of almost ten years, to actually despising him, and seeing only the negative about him. As I fed my disappointed emotions with other’s biased opinions, and no time invested in God’s Word, I gave myself license to see the “D” word as an option.
Long story short, we did end up in a very painful divorce, wreaking havoc on ourselves, our health, and our children. I lost my best friend, my lover, my covering, and my future – and for what? For what?
Funny how reality, in all its cruelty, can give us a new take on life. Things got really, really horrible, really, really quickly and I regretted giving up on our marriage. My ex-husband, however, wasn’t necessarily ready to make up and make out. Now I was experiencing some really ugly emotions as I dealt with rejection, betrayal, and tremendous confusion. And for what? Jewelry that I never received on my birthdays? The flowers I never got? Sure, to be fair, there were more issues than that between us. Enough to split up this family? Issues big enough to cause damage to ourselves, our children and their future? I don’t think so, especially looking back from now.

Hindsight really is twenty-twenty, and I am so grateful to a very BIG God, Who saw fit to redeem this marriage, this family, and this anointing that the enemy did not want in action. Since those years ago, my husband and I are remarried, we are excited about our future, and we live a healthy, prosperous life. Jesus gave us then, and gives us now, the power to do so. We both rule over our emotions for the most part – of course we have our “old man” moments! The reality is now, that the man I had once grown to despise, is once again my best friend, my lover and my partner in parenthood and life, through every event, decision and trial. Through the good times, and the bad. My emotions sometimes spill over with affection and love for the same one that I had once allowed myself to hate.
But it takes more than a big God to turn around a failed marriage, or a failed career, or a delayed life due to disease, addiction or unbelief. It takes us deciding! Deciding to take full responsibility for ourselves, and for our own shortcomings. It takes a decision from us to forgive – to forgive others, and to forgive ourselves by the power of the Holy Spirit. It takes a complete renewing of our minds, which can only be done through the power of the Word and owning every truth it reveals! It’s a process, and it’s worth every minute, every tear, and every heartbreak. Most of all, it takes us bringing those rogue emotions and flesh thoughts into captivity. Jesus gives us the power to do that. All you have to do is ask Him.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Listening - Oh What an Art!

Most of us have at least one good friend in our lives, some of us more than one. If we’ve been blessed, that person has stood by our side through the years, unconditionally and with the best of intentions. When we think back over the years together, we remember the fun times, the crazy times, and maybe even the hard times. We mull over the conversations we’ve had…how much we have shared with this friend. Wait a minute…how often have we really listened to that friend? When was the last time we dedicated a few moments to hear their heart? Are our memories those of the circumstances surrounding just OUR lives, or our friends’ as well?
It is truly a learned skill to listen, and to listen thoroughly, without an agenda. Most of us have not mastered this skill! Have you ever caught yourself thinking up your response or piece of advice while the person you are “listening to” is still speaking? I do, all the time, and I have to train my mind to slow down, and give that person my truly full attention.
I really want to become a better listener. By becoming better listeners, we would eliminate a large amount of misunderstandings between ourselves and other people. For instance, in Proverbs 18:13 it says, “He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and a shame to him.” If we are not hearing that person’s “heart” or true intentions, and we translate what they are saying in our own perspective, we have are again made a “fool” of ourselves!
People are fickle beings, and we must remember that misunderstanding is one of the enemy’s strong hold in the Body of Christ. If we are not genuinely caring of the next person, it shows. If we do not listen with our Spirit, and instead with our impatient, half tuned out flesh, it shows! We need to realize that listening is an important mission for us, as we work to eliminate offense and confusion in the ranks of God’s army! Proverbs 18:19 reminds us that “A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city.”
Proverbs 17:27-28 says, “He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.” My Grandma Bev, who moved in to heaven in 2008, left the greatest impression on me of how to listen to someone. She was a wonderful listener, as she never had a differing opinion to promote about whatever I was confiding in her. She would listen for lengths of time, nodding as she truly “heard my heart,” never in a hurry for me to finish. We would take long walks in my teen years, and she always had time for my emotional gut-spilling! Her acceptance of me and who I was filled my struggling heart with peace, and I have never forgotten what it feels like to be fully listened to.
What do you think? Who has been a memorable listener in your life? Share it with me!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Healing - My Story

One of the most powerful areas of God’s Power being real in our lives through the Holy Spirit is in the area of physical healing. Healing. A word used sometimes in a nonchalant way, but power-packed for those of us who have experienced it firsthand! Healing is a physical manifestation in our minds and bodies of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross! In other words, when we have struggled for some time with a malady, we are good and ready to be rid of the infliction. Say for instance, you’ve had massive migraine headaches a couple of times a week for a month now. These headaches are debilitating, grounding you to your dark, silent room and disabling you from your life as you normally know it. Your children are fending for themselves, the house is a mess, and you are miserable. This sickness has you in its grasp…or so you thought!
Let me tell you a story, a story of disaster and disease, rejection and abandonment, but ultimately, of hope and grace and HEALING in our Savior!
Through a series of events in which I made some wrong choices, my husband Juan and I divorced in December of 2006 after almost ten years of marriage, three young children, and oh, incidently, we were Christians. We separated in September of that year, and I began to walk further and further away from a lifelong, deep relationship with God. I was making confused decisions out of rejection, guilt, and shame. Meanwhile, I was working several jobs to make ends meet and living in sin and rebellion, which resulted in the breaking down of my body and mind.
Weakened, both physically and in soul, I believe I “opened a door” to Satan, allowing him to have total access to my heart and health. God is clear about the “curse” of forsaking Him as our God and choosing instead to live in sin and disobedience to Him and His Word. (Deuteronomy 28:20-) The three key things that the curse brings to our lives is 1. Poverty, 2. Sickness/Disease and 3. Spiritual Death. As I look back on that time in my life, I can see that I was clearly walking in disobedience to God, especially since I grew up knowing Him and had served him my whole life. Hence, the open door to Satan, who of course, jumped on that opportunity!
Consequently, I began struggling with a terrible nervous disorder in January of 2007 which left me jobless, homebound (I couldn’t drive due to the possibility of seizures), and practically without family and friends for a long while. Blessedly, there was no physical pain associated with this illness, but the emotional and spiritual toll it took on me was so awful, I can’t even begin to describe it in words. My young children were terrified of both my weird behavior and the seizures that were occuring, I was hallucinating on the medication, and my ex-husband (at the time!) couldn’t bear to be around me. So he took legal action and had my children removed from me and my house. Subsequently, I slipped even deeper into anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. My children had become the only reason I had to live, and now I couldn’t even see them.
At this time, I began to seek God again, but I experienced no answer immediately. I know now that he couldn’t reach me until I repented, and I was still clinging to my sin out of desperation and loneliness. However, I could increasingly feel my physical heart breaking into little pieces, pulling at the muscles and nerves inside my chest cavity. My heart was literally breaking, and I had never, ever felt such sadness and hopelessness as I did at that time in my life.
One day, alone on my couch, depressed and desperate for a change in my life, I cried out to Him like never before. I had finally used up any strength I though I had on my own, and I repented, needing Him in my life just to keep breathing! At that moment, He spoke to me, and my mind, body, and Spirit were instantly flooded with comfort and acceptance! I realized He had never left me, he just can’t commune with sin, so our relationship, just like my marriage, was broken. Communication had been stopped due to my blatant rebellion. Now, though, I was starting again. I felt like a new Christian, and I dove enthusiastically into the Bible, daily prayer and church again.
The seizures and brain disorder though, continued with a vengeance. Soon, in early summer of that year, I realized I was pregnant – out of wedlock, and I wasn’t even in a relationship with the baby’s father any longer. So now my body was not the only one being harmed by this cruel disorder.
Unknown to me however, God was working in my ex-husband’s heart around the same time, softening it and readying it for His will! Juan began to invite me to stay for dinner when I would drop the kids off from their short visit with me, and I humbly agreed, desperate for any extra time with my children. I remember one time, looking across his dining table at his handsome face, eating roasted chicken with rice with him and the kids, and feeling like the luckiest girl in the world! You see, by then I was completely broke, homeless, staying with “adopted family” and still jobless due to my disorder. I had been completely broken in a spiritual sense as well, but the humility came easy for me and with joy, as I was so grateful for the little things. Life had become about surviving, and time was a gift.
By the end of summer, Juan and I were back together again, and I was no longer homeless! I had so much time with my children, my belly was big with a healthy baby girl, and I was slowly recovering my self-esteem and faith walk. I had lost a good reputation, along with all my “friends” over the divorce and sickness. God’s restoration though, is beyond earthly standards, and over time, He restored all that was lost and more!
God was strategically placing the right people in my life, those that spoke life over me (Deut. 30:19-20 my life theme!) and taught me about faith and fear, life and death, curses and blessings…
AnaSophia, my symbol of God’s grace (Ana means grace), was born prematurely three days after Christmas in 2007. She was placed in NICU at four pounds some ounces, having difficulty breathing and eating. The beyond-grand mal seizure hit me a few days later, sending me into the worst experience yet, four days of coma in the ICU, with more days of recovery in the “crazy people ward” after that! I was getting real tired of this disease by now, as it was so debilitating to me and my family. They needed me even more now than ever before, as we were recovering as a family unit from the drama and pain of the last year and a half’s events.
The baby was released a few days after I was, and we tried to start family life again. Two months later, I seized violently in the shower, waking up from that coma/recovery with a broken foot! One day at home, my adopted mom finally spoke out loud over my sickness, “That is enough, it’s just enough.” Instantly, something inside of me lept (I believe it was desperate faith!) and I began to mentally fight against the disorder and my previous acceptance of it as “punishment” from God.
Sometime in March 2008, while I was in church, the leaders anointed me with oil, and prayed over me for healing. One of them spoke up and said that God showed them I was harboring unforgiveness towards someone in my life. Faces flashed before me, as I remembered all the people who turned on me during the divorce, or bailed on me in the time I needed people the most. All of my family members had either turned their backs or directly fought against me for the past couple of years. I began to weep, as a desire to forgive them and truly move on began to come over me.
The next morning at home, I had a session with the best Counselor one could have, the Holy Spirit! I was praying intensely, prostrate on my office floor, about these recent things God was showing me. I heard the Spirit speak audibly, and he told me to get a piece of paper and write the names of those who had hurt or abandoned me, and pray individually over those names for total forgiveness from God for them. I could barely read some of the names, as I was crying so hard, feeling purified and fresh afterwards. Now I was ready for my healing!
The next week at church, the elders laid hands on me again, anointed me and prayed earnestly. The Pastor’s wife said “There is someone you haven’t forgiven – yourself.” At that moment, I broke completely before the Lord, and wept, realizing she was right. As the Pastor prayed over me out loud, he suddenly commanded a spirit to leave in Jesus Name, and I felt a large burden lift immediately, even as the Pastor said “There – It’s gone!!!” It was almost like a puff cloud of heaviness, and it went, poof! And was gone. I was healed, and I knew it. I began confessing the Word of God over myself, and over the previous stronghold of the sickness. I confessed Galatians 3:13, Psalm 103:2-5, Isaiah 53:4-5… There are so many!
In the following days, and then months, when I would feel a symptom coming on, I would say out loud, “Oh, no, Satan, don’t even think about it! I am healed, delivered and excited about it!!! You can’t touch this!” Then I would quote a Scripture to back it up! I even began to testify to others of my healing, especially when the fear of a seizure would try to return. I was on a journey to complete health, as I didn’t even get off the medication immediately. God was building my tender faith, honoring my naivette and carrying me through!
I am so beyond grateful to my Lord and Savior for the way he has touched me. I truly believe that His healing is for everyone, He says so in His Word. I tell this deeply personal story to encourage you in your faith walk! You are on your own journey with Him, and He cares deeply for you. To experience this incredible love that I get to experience daily, all you have to do is cry out to Him, ask Him to come near you!
What about your journey, do you have a powerful testimony of what he has done in your life? I would love to hear it! Do you have any questions about healing and what the Bible has to say about it? Feel free to share them with me, I love to talk about God’s Word! All the answers can be found there!
God bless you today.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hearing from God...So Powerful!

Sometimes I feel like what I imagine a Spiritual Leader must feel like when the Lord puts something different than their “planned” sermon or speech on their heart to share. I have been starting numerous posts for this site, and every time, I feel stopped, or stalled. I save the draft and leave it there safely in my computer, hidden away from translation. I was getting a little stressed about the fact that I haven’t posted anything in a while, and needed to “get something posted.” I take so seriously, however, my responsibility to the Lord for what I put on here. I am to be a witness, a living testimony to Him.
So, two nights ago I was awoken about five-thirty in the morning, and was literally writing in my sleep! This post! I hope this is an encouragement, an edifying article for whomever God is talking to! He was putting on my heart to write about how to hear from Him. Me, Bess! I’m being taught, after most of a lifetime of communicating with my best friend, Jesus, how to stop talking, and start listening to Him.
God speaks to us all of the time, we just don’t always hear Him, because we aren’t listening. A lot of times, we aren’t listening because we have found ourselves and our lives to be more important at that given time. Then, a lot of times when we do finally hear Him, we don’t do what he is gently prodding us to do, and He won’t yell at us to do it! He’s given us our own will, he wants us to serve Him and love Him on our OWN! He doesn’t want a forced relationship, he wants our full surrender. He only wants that because of how much HE LOVES US, not to control us! OK, sorry for wandering off on that rabbit trail!
So, how does he communicate with us? One way is through His Word, our Bibles! This is a fail proof way to hear from the Lord. If your desire is to hear from God, you will EVERY TIME you open His Word! John 17:17 says, “Sanctify them through your truth: your Word is truth.” In John 8:31-32, he assures us, “Then said Jesus…if you continue in my Word, then you are my disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Not so well known is this powerful Scripture; Psalms 33:4 “For the Word of the Lord is right; and all His works are done in truth.”
The more you search His Word for answers, comfort, knowledge, direction, reassurance, (I could go on!) the more you will find. It is full of wisdom, and does not lack explanation. I’ve heard people say before, “Well, the Bible doesn’t cover some subjects relevant to today’s world!” Nothing could be further from the truth. Every situation, problem and question you could have about God and what He desires of us in life can be found in the Word. It would take me far too long to cover all of those here, so we’ll cover them little by little as Confessions of the Word grows! Besides, that’s the whole idea – search YOUR Bible for answers from YOUR God!!! You will fall deeper in love with our merciful, loving, kind (again, could go on!)…Father!
Another way we hear from our Lord is through the Holy Spirit’s prompting. I am going to try to put into words the awesome thing that happens when I hear from my Savior through His mighty Spirit! Usually, what happens is that a “prompting” or urge happens in my heart/gut area. I’ll be reminded of a Bible verse that applies to whatever the situation is, or I’ll instantly have a testimonial thought, like something that is undeniably “truth” from experience, whether mine or someone else’s. Whenever that “urging” takes place, it is either to edify someone else in the faith, reminding them of God’s goodness, or just for myself, to strengthen my growth and bond with God. It is undeniably the Holy Spirit, meaning that it feels “right” in every meaning of that word, or it feels like reassurance. Ok, I knew this would be a hard one to put into words! So let me illustrate: let’s say I am worried about a certain body ailment, that it would affect my family, my future, my finances…I begin to pray for the Lord’s will to be done and I praise and thank Him for His guaranteed promises, etc…soon after I feel a reassurance in my gut, in my Spirit, and am reminded of James 5:15 “…And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up…” It happens kind of like that! It is so powerful!
The Lord also speaks through His people. There are many, many Biblical examples of this in our history. God wants to utilize His imperfect vessels, us! The Holy Spirit is available to us to equip us to the work of the Lord, or “Kingdom business,” as my Pastor likes to say! We are all given gifts, some of us, prophecy, some teaching, some ministry of helps (love servants), etc. We are to serve each other, and the unsaved, with these gifts, not with false pride, but with humility and our whole hearts.
As you can see, He talks to us! He loves to walk and talk with us! Did you know, He can talk to you directly? His Word speaks of many incidents where He spoke out loud to those who would listen. Well, if He is the same then and now, and He is, then he’ll talk to you, too. It is a thrill to hear from God! Usually, when he talks to us, the message is for us! Sometimes he entrusts us with a message for someone else, but be sure and run it through the Holy Spirit first. You’ll know whether it’s to be shared or not. If you have an agenda for that person that is not God’s, it’s probably better to hold back on that Word!!! God is big enough to speak to that person too!
One more thing to apply to this idea, look for confirmation anytime you are wrestling with a big question. For instance, if you feel the Lord is telling you to jump into a ministry of some type because your good friend from church told you that God told them that you would….well, it’s good to ask the Lord for confirmation or denial of that claim. Search the Scripture, be in regular prayer, give it a little time. God works through process, usually not instantly! He’ll let you know what to do!
Do you have a testimony (or two) of hearing from God, and the impact it had on your life? Please send it to me and share it here! I want to know what you think of this subject! Have you read a powerful Scripture on this subject? Please share! God bless you as you walk with Him!

James 1:22-25 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Submission in Marriage - What does the Bible say?

There’s a lot out there in the Christian realm on “submission,” and exactly what Paul the Apostle was talking about when he wrote his Holy Spirit-inspired version of submission. I personally have always had a tendency to shy away from any teaching on submission, as in my past it has always involved some form of “sexist control” from whomever the teaching came. It seemed to me that a majority of Christians in my life were using the common passage of Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as fitting to the Lord,” for their own agendas of controlling strong women, and their “worldly desires.” However, I love the Word of God, for not only does it always confirm itself on every subject, but it explains in fullness why a certain principle will work!
There are many, many passages Bible wide on submission, and I have yet to find one where the encouragement to submit is directed only at women. Every time submission is taught, it is pointed to all people; men, women, children, slaves, etc. There is a Holy order in place for all mankind that is designed to bring forth peace and harmony in relationships. In my study on submission (which I was challenged to by a well-respected leader in my church a few weeks ago) I found that submission is not a command, but rather suggests a voluntary relinquishment of one’s rights to another. In The Woman’s Study Bible (NKJV), it states; “the Greek word for ‘to submit’ is hupotasso, which literally means ‘to line up under.’ The concept suggests mutual submission and intimacy, promoting a union ordained by God with love as the binding agent. Love characterizes the servant leadership of the husband, which in turn awakens the submissive cooperation of the wife. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit can a woman truly relinquish her desires and line up under her husband’s leadership.” This I found so much more believable and doable!
I have been very blessed with a husband who does love me deeply and draws my desire to submit from me. Frankly, I feel safe and calm when I do “line up under” him. We weren’t always at this point, trust me, but after thirteen years and many experiences, we have a grasp of a handle on this submission thing. Do I feel that he is always in submission to what the Lord is calling him to? No, of course not! Just as I am not day in, day out constantly at rest with God or Juan’s desire for me or my walk! We are, however, listening and responding. To God. To each other. We might not always like what we hear, but we’re listening, and learning. I truly feel that is the key to achieving true submission. Listening. Our response then, after hearing, needs to be obedience to what is Biblical.
I Peter 3:1-7 covers the subject pertaining to marriage in great detail, “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands,…do not let your adornment be merely outward…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. ..Husbands, likewise, dwell with them [wives] with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” NKJV (Emphasis added by author.)
I did some passionate word study on this passage of Scripture, and I was excited as to what I found. First of all, when this Scripture talks to women, we are to be submitted to our husbands out of obedience, even when we don’t agree with them, as in the case of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 20:1-18. (I’ll get more into this story on my next posting.) However, when it comes to men, they are to be in submission to the Lord the way we are to be in submission to them, and our children to us… It was designed by God as a safekeeping method for us as a people. Christ modeled this principle by walking in constant submission to His Heavenly Father (Hebrews 10:7). For Him, it certainly could not have been easy.
Some of the study notes on this subject in The Women’s Study Bible explain that submission by definition is “an attitude of the will,” it is also “more than obedience,” another is “resting, leaning, trusting, and abandoning yourself to the Lord.” Last but not least, it is “void of stubbornness.” Biblical examples of these definitions would be Mary, mother of Jesus (Luke 1:38), Esther (Esther 4:16) and Sarah, as mentioned before.
In the reference Scripture above (I Peter 3:1-7), it refers to true submission being completely attractive in a woman, more even than her physical appearance or adornment. She is gracious, quiet, gentle… That reference also speaks of the husbands living with their wives in understanding, which in Greek means “according to knowledge.” This speaks of a considerate attitude in the husband for the wife, and knowledge of God’s plan for marriage as well as an understanding of their own respective wife’s desires, needs and feelings. “Honor” in this passage literally means “precious” and obviously alludes to respecting and esteeming the wife. Treating her as precious!
This study could go on and on, far too deep for just one post. I treasure the principle of submission to my God and my husband now, after battling with this teaching for years. Being submitted is being in a safety net, and the more we seek the Lord’s will for our lives, we fall more into his strong arms of love, and surrender our own way! That’s true freedom.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Galilean Gazette - Simon's Story Part 1

“Then they were all amazed and spoke among themselves, saying, ’What a word this is! For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out. And the report about Him went out into every place in the surrounding region.’” - Luke 4:36-37 (NKJV)

Imagine for a moment that Simon the fisherman is featured in the Galilean Gazette for that history-making catch of fish last week. In fact, there have been many interesting changes in Simon’s life since he met that man they call Jesus. Simon, who is well known in the local area as a prolific fisherman, seems to be a different man. He’s not as “rough around the edges” as he used to be, and people want to follow him now. So, the Gazette was excited to grab an interview with this influential man, to find out more about his friend, this sensational figure they call Jesus, the man who is stirring up some excitement in this sleepy little coastal town. Here’s the exclusive interview:

Gazette: How many fish did you catch last week? The whole town’s talking about it! I guess things were pretty dry before that happened.

Simon: OK, man, let me tell you, things weren’t just dry; we were at a standstill for production before last week. And nothing “just happened,” Jesus made it happen! I know He did, cuz one minute He was speaking to this crowd of folks on the shore, and then He was telling us to hit the water again and put our nets down. Now, I thought he was a little crazy, cuz He is not a fisherman, and we all know the reputation I have…anyway, I told Him that there was nothing out there! I mean, me and the boys had been out all night, and we hadn’t caught a thing! But as tired as I was, I believed Him, cuz He’s the kind of guy that you want to listen to. Let me tell you, there’s something about this guy…I’m sure you’ve heard about my mother-in-law, she was so sick last week, my wife thought it might be her time. Well, He came in and just touched her, and not only was she instantly better, she got up and made dinner! He is amazing…

Gazette: So wait, was that before the record-breaking catch?

Simon: Yeah, yeah it was oohhh, a couple of days before that. You know, this guy doesn’t stop though. After that, he was healing our neighbors and friends, cuz people were telling them what he had just done with my mother-in-law! You know the goat farmer down the street from me? Well, he was healed of his broken ankle! Amazing!

Gazette: Back to the day of the big catch…

Simon: Right. So He tells us to take the rig back out. We did, half asleep! We were awake in no time, though, cuz we almost lost our net, that load of fish was so thick! There was probably two week’s worth of fish in that net! We had to have James and John bring their vessel over, just so we wouldn’t sink from the weight of too many fish! Everybody was hollering and whooping, I have never seen that amount in one catch before! We thought we were in awe until we saw the drop-jaws of everybody who had been watching from shore!

Gazette: Wow, what a story! Did He want any payment from you for the tip?

Simon: (laughing) No, man, He’s not like that, he won’t take any payment. Not even from the sick people he has been touching and healing. He did eat some fish, and seemed to enjoy it, though!

Gazette: People around here are talking about how you’ve seemed different recently. Do you think this man has had an impact on your life, besides, of course, the huge catch!

Simon: Let me just tell you, I am a changed man. Not just because my income changed on that day, either. I am in awe of Jesus and what He’s done and is doing around here! And I don’t just want to be a spectator. I told Him the day of the catch to “Don’t come near me, Lord, cuz I’ve done some bad stuff!” And you know what he said to me? “Not to be afraid. From now on you will fish men.” I don’t how to put it into just words, but I knew this Man was different! After that, my brother and I dropped our business, and we are following Him now. We get to help Him in His work, and He is teaching us to do the work He does.

Gazette: So obviously this man called Jesus has impacted your life in a major way! What are your plans for the future?

Simon: Man, I’m done making my own plans, I can’t explain what it is about Him, but I’ll be following Him from now on.

Luke 4 & 5 – Story reference

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Little About My Journey

Did you know that what you confess you possess? I didn’t! For the longest time in my early walk with Jesus, I had no idea of the power of God that was available to me. What I didn’t know was that I was confessing something over my life! Yes, I was confessing defeat, failure, sickness and disease, poverty, emptiness, and more over my life. And this was me, saved, Holy Spirit filled, and walking and talking with the Lord!!! A Christian since five years old! What I was speaking and accepting into my soul and life, however, was devastating! I didn’t realize that instead of feeding myself from God’s Word, and hearing from God’s anointed, I was feeding myself from the world, everything that is opposite of His Word. I just had no idea of what I was missing out on. That is, until a crisis like I had never experienced before happened in my life, and I suddenly lost everything I held dear, everything that mattered to me. I was alone, bankrupt, sick, and ultimately, homeless!!!
How had all this happened? How had I gone from a “Christian life” of many years with a loving husband and children, many “friends,” plenty of anything I needed, and a warm, beautiful home; to a sinner’s life of being empty, broke and alone? I cried out to God desperately, I opened His Word, long abandoned and unused, and searched for an answer. And I found an answer! I hungrily devoured more and more of His Word as He ministered to my hurting soul. I found answer after answer for the devastation in my life, as He led me on a journey of what I now affectionately call “my Holy Spirit therapy!”
So God, in His incredible mercy and grace, picked me up, turned me around, and set my feet on solid ground!!! He is the Lover of my Soul, and due to His awesome forgiveness, He has a plan for my future! As excited as I was, and still am, about this truth, I had to stop and think about how this “prodigal daughter” had gotten into the pig pen to begin with. As God began to lead me out of the pen and on my journey home to Papa, I analyzed my former path. I knew that I absolutely never wanted to end up there again! What then, was required of me to make sure that no matter where I went now, I couldn’t, just couldn’t, go there without my Father?!
I would love to share more of this journey with you, and what our God has seen fit to show me from His Word, and the through the mouths of warriors that He has anointed to teach His Word! Why don’t you pour yourself a cup of coffee, and sit down with me as we delve into this idea of “confessions” from His Word? This may not be the first time you have heard about confessions. I, however, credit my life as it is now to the knowledge of the power of confessions from His Word.
God saw fit to restore my family to me, heal my diseases, restore my bank account to much, much greater that it was before, give me awesome mentors and friends, and much more! He is a great God, with so much love for us! He can, and will, do anything you need Him to do in your life as well. What you confess over your life, you will possess. Negative or positive, faith or fear, a life of sin or eternal life with Him. I look forward to our next discussion as we dig deeper into this powerful principle!
In Him,